3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using Vibratory Screeners In Your Recycling Center

Vibratory screeners essentially utilize vibrations to sort through different types of materials and knock them into their appropriate bins at the right time. There are three main reasons why you should consider using vibratory screeners in your recycling center.

1. They Allow Your City to Use Single Stream Recycling

Single stream recycling is when a person living in your community gathers all of his or her recyclable materials in a single, large container and then either takes them to the recycling center or has them picked up by a city service. This person will not have to sort the materials beforehand. This tends to increase recycling participation in many cities that implements single stream recycling because it makes it so easy for people to recycle that it seems silly to not do so.

The reason why cities that use vibratory screeners in their recycling centers, rather than other methods of sorting, is because it allows all of the recyclable materials to be dumped onto a huge conveyor belt and then automatically sorted in a short period of time. If you were to implement single stream recycling before you were using a vibratory screener, you would probably have to hire lots of people in order to sort through the materials and put them all in the right bins. This would have been time-consuming and costly for taxpayers, to the point where it wouldn't have been viable. 

2. You Can Use It At Any Stage in the Recycling Process

If you're worried that taxpayers will not be willing to pay for an overhaul of your entire system, understand that you don't have to use vibratory screeners at every stage of the recycling in order to make sure that you are able to implement single stream recycling. Some recycling centers already have systems in place to separate glass and aluminum, but need to separate paper from everything else by hand. You could just use a vibratory screener at this junction and still manage to get single stream recycling to work. 

3. You Can Run It At Night

As long as there is enough space for the vibratory screener to continue to sort items, you can allow it to run all night without anyone having to supervise it. This cuts the amount of money that the recycling center costs to run and subsequently cuts the costs to the taxpayers, making it easier to justify.

For more information, talk to a company that sells vibratory screeners.
